La Kermesse 2004
Writers-Composers Tent
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Author Elise Dallemagne-Cookson talking to Ann McCormick, a visitor from
Newmarket NH, about her latest book, Marie Grandin - Sent by the King.

Left to right - Norman Faucher holding the fort for his wife Doris Provencher-Faucher,
poet David Surette, David's wife and composer-violinist Del Huot
Left to right - Doris Provencher-Faucher, Gerard Robichaud (in dark glasses),
age 93, author of Papa Martel and Adrienne LePage, a Franco-American
While visitors are inspecting books, several of the authors are seated
in the back ready to answer questions. From left to right, Gerard Robichaud
(dark glasses), Adrienne Lepage, Henri Gosselin and Norman Faucher.
Elise Dallemagne-Cookson proudly exhibits her latest book, Marie Grandin
- Sent by the King.

Left to right - Authors Henri Gosselin and Doris Provencher-Faucher, poet
David Surette and his wife, composer-violinist Del Huot.

Left to right - Doris Provencher-Faucher, David Surett, Del Huot and at
the far right, writer-musician Lucie Therrien.

Meeting with visitors: Adrienne Lepage and Gerard Robichaud

Henri Gosselin and Doris Provencher-Faucher with a visitor

Left to right - Gerard's escort, Gerard Robichaud and Adrienne Lepage.

Doris Provencher-Faucher and David Surette with visitors

Writer-musician Lucie Terrien

Left to right - Author Elise Dallemagne-Cookson and escort.

Left to right - Gerard's escort, Gerard Robichaud, Adrienne Lepage, Henri
Gosselin and Doris Provencher-Faucher.
Also present at other times were Laurie Meunier Graves
and Normand Beaupré.
Pictures courtesy of
Elise Dallemagne-Cookson and Doris Provencher-Faucher.
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